Welcome To The Freebies

As you start this journey of coming home to yourself, we invite you to begin to tune into your intuition—honoring if, at this time, our free content is most in alignment.

Simply recognizing the need to start moving through the world differently makes you a part of this community—welcome, Sacred Rebel.

We know finances can be an obstacle to accessing healing guidance and tools. Finances can limit the ability to access a therapist, coach or pay for digital courses. We want to offer information and guidance that can be life changing without the strain on your wallet.

Check out our free offerings below! Take what resonates and leave the rest.


Not Sure Where to Start?

Here’s what we would recommend:


Listen to Be the Scandal Podcast

Running short on time? Check out Be the Scandal the podcast. All episodes are under 30 minutes—and most of them under 20 minutes! The podcast offers free mental and spiritual health mentoring. The host, Dani Hickman, shares her lived and professional wisdom into the releasing of old programming, healing trauma and embodying a pleasure-filled life.

Listen to the podcast on iTunes or Spotify.

Download free resources.

When you need the support without the spending. Navigating the journey of healing can be overwhelming—use these free downloads as a place to start!

Explore free downloads below.

Join our monthly newsletter.

Coming soon.

This isn’t your typical newsletter. Yes, we’ll be sharing exciting news, updates and events happening within the community—but we want our monthly newsletter to feel like the magazine you didn’t know you needed—we’re focusing on sharing healing tips and insights, supportive mind/body/spirit things we’re loving right now, book recommendations, etc.

Join the monthly newsletter here.

Free Downloads

The mindfulness exercises utilize your five senses to increase your awareness of your body and your environment. The Sacred Rebel Collective uses the word “grounded” to refer to this increased awareness of the present moment.

The guided visualizations are energetic in nature; tools to help you create a space of quiet. Use this calm, quiet space to deepen your connection with yourself. Practice these visualizations while in a calm state to be able to utilize them as a tool when feeling distressed or overwhelmed.

Below are some of our current, free downloads:


Root Chakra Visualization

The Root Chakra Visualization is helpful to decrease your level of distress. It helps you to feel more “grounded” to the Earth and increases your sense of calm.


Awareness Activity

For many of us, trauma has influenced us to disconnect from our bodies as a way to cope. When we disconnect from our bodies, we disconnect from intuitive communications held within the body.

Reconnecting with your intuitive wisdom begins by coming back home into your body and learning the language of your body. 

Download this exercise to start the process of anchoring back into your body and observing the communications of your body.


Energy Shielding Visualization

The Energy Shielding Visualization is helpful to create a barrier surrounding your auric field. This barrier works as a shield to protect your energy. This is a helpful tool as you’re navigating setting boundaries with those around you!